
We study the random dynamical system generated by a stochastic reaction-diffusion equation with additive noise on the whole space and prove the existence of an -random attractor for such a random dynamical system. The nonlinearity is supposed to satisfy the growth of arbitrary order (). The -asymptotic compactness of the random dynamical system is obtained by using an extended version of the tail estimate method introduced by Wang (1999) and the cut-off technique.

1. Introduction

In this paper, we consider the asymptotic behavior of solutions to the following stochastic reaction-diffusion equation (SRDE) with additive noise in the entire space : with the initial condition where is a positive constant, is a given function in , for each , for some ,   are independent two-sided real-valued Wiener processes on a probability space which will be specified below, and is a nonlinear function satisfying the following conditions (see, e.g., [1, 2]). For all and , where and are positive constants, , , and .

As we know, the asymptotic behavior of a random dynamical system (RDS) is characterized by random attractors, which were first introduced by Crauel and Flandoli [3] and Schmalfuss [4] and then developed in [1, 2, 512] and among others. Recently, the existence of random attractors of the RDS associated with problem (1)-(2) was studied by many authors. For example, in [1, 2] the authors proved the existence of -random attractor and -random attractor, respectively, in the case of additive noise. Wang and Zhou obtained -random attractor in [12] and Li et al. proved the existence of -random attractor in bounded domains in [10] in the case of multiplicative noise. A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of random attractors for the so-called quasicontinuous RDS was established in [9], and in the most recent papers [13, 14], the author employed this result to prove the existence of random attractors for some reaction-diffusion equations with additive noise and multiplicative noise on , respectively, when the domain is bounded. In this paper, we study the existence of -random attractor with additive noise for the same problem in the entire space .

For our problem, there are two difficulties when we consider the existence of -random attractor. The first is the lack of compactness of Sobolev embeddings when the domain is unbounded. It is worth mentioning that in deterministic case differential equations of this type were extensively studied in both autonomous and nonautonomous cases and in both bounded domains and unbounded domains [1529]. In the case of unbounded domains the difficulty of noncompact embeddings can be overcome by the energy equation approach introduced by Ball in [30, 31] and other methods. We are interested in the method used in [22] for the deterministic version of the initial problem (1)-(2) on . In [22] the author approached by a bounded ball and found that the approximation error of the norm of solutions is arbitrary small uniformly for large time, and thus they proved asymptotic compactness by passing the limit of the energy equation. More recently, the idea of the tail estimate was used in [1] to prove the existence of random attractor in for the SRDE (1)-(2). In this paper, we use an extended version of the tail estimate described in [22] to overcome the difficulty of noncompact embeddings.

Another difficulty is that one can not differentiate the stochastic equation with respect to time in usual sense. In the case of deterministic equation, by differentiating the reaction-diffusion equation with respect to , one can prove the existence of or ( is bounded) attractors; see [24, 27, 29, 32] for autonomous equations and [23, 26, 33] for non-autonomous equations. But in stochastic case this idea breaks down, since, as we know, neither the Winner process nor the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process is differentiable with respect to in usual sense. However, this is only a matter of method or estimate. In [25], the author used a result for compactness in introduced in [17] to establish the asymptotic compactness in without differentiating the equation. Unfortunately, the growth order is restricted in that case. In this paper, we overcome this drawback by using an appropriate estimate motivated by the works in [19] and the estimate is accurate enough so that we needn't differentiate the equation as usual.

This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we recall some basic notions of bispaces random attractors for RDS. In Section 3, we transform the problem (1)-(2) into a parameterized evolution equation and obtain the corresponding RDS. In Section 4, we give some uniform estimates of the solutions as . In Section 5, we prove the asymptotic compactness and the existence of an -random attractor.

Throughout this paper, we denote by the norm of Banach space and by the inner product in Hilbert space . The inner product and norm of are written as and , respectively. We also use to denote the norm of (, ) and to denote the modular of . The letter denotes any positive constant which may be different from line to line or even in the same line (sometimes for special case, we also denote the different positive constants by ).

2. Preliminaries and Abstract Results

In this section, we first recall some basic concepts related to random attractors for RDS (see [1, 3, 58, 34] for more detail) and then give some abstract results on the existence of -random attractors.

2.1. Preliminaries

Let , be two Banach spaces with Borel -algebra and , respectively, and let be a probability space.

Definition 1. is called a metric dynamical system (MDS) if is -measurable, and is the identity on , = for all , and for all .

Definition 2. An RDS on over an MDS is a mapping , which is -measurable and satisfies that, for -a.e. ,(i) = id on ;(ii) (cocycle property) on for all .
An RDS is said to be continuous on if is continuous for all and -a.e. .

Definition 3. A random set is a set-valued map , , which satisfies that, for each , the map is measurable. A random set is called a random closed (compact) set if is closed (compact) for all . A random set is called a random bounded set if there exist and a random variable such that, for all ,

Definition 4. A random bounded set of is called tempered with respect to if, for -a.e. , where
A random variable is called tempered with respect to if, for -a.e. ,
Next, we introduce some notions about the bi-spaces random attractors which are motivated by the works in [2, 20, 25, 35]. We assume that is an RDS on and over an MDS , respectively. Let denote the family of all nonempty subsets of and the class of all families . , and can be defined in the same way. We consider the given nonempty subclasses , where , .

Definition 5. A family is said to be -random absorbing for if, for every , there exists such that, for -a.e. ,

Definition 6. A family is said to be -random attracting for if, for every ,  we have, for -a.e. , where denotes the Hausdorff semi-distance between and in ; that is,

Definition 7. The RDS is said to be -asymptotically compact if, for -a.e. , has a convergent subsequence in whenever and with .

Definition 8. random set is said to be an -random attractor if the following conditions are satisfied for -a.e. , (i) is closed in and compact in ;(ii) is invariant; that is, for all ;(iii) attracts every random set in in the norm topology of in the sense of (12).

2.2. Abstract Results

Now, we present the main abstract results. Recall that a collection of random subsets is called inclusion closed if whenever is an arbitrary random set and is in with for all , then .

The following theorem is an adaptation of a result of [25] to the case of RDS. The proof is similar to that of [25], and here we omit it.

Theorem 9. Let be a continuous RDS on and an RDS on over , respectively, and and are inclusion closed.(i) Case  1  ()  (see [1]). Assume that the family is a closed -random absorbing set for and is -asymptotically compact. Then has a unique -random attractor which is given by where denotes the closure of with respect to the norm topology in .(ii)  Case  2  (). If the assumptions in (i) are satisfied, moreover, we assume that is -random absorbing and is -asymptotically compact. Then has an -random attractor which is given by where is the -random absorbing set in (i).

In the following of this paper we only consider , , and , , where and denote the collections of all tempered random subsets of and , respectively.

Theorem 10. Assume that is an RDS on and , respectively, and then is -asymptotically compact if(i) for every , -a.e. and every , there exist and such that, for all , (ii) is -asymptotically compact, ,where , , , and is the identical function on .

Proof. It suffices to check that, for all and -a.e. , we can extract a Cauchy subsequence from , whenever and . We assume that there is of full -measure such that assumption (i) holds for every . We now fix and , and then by (i) there exist and such that for all , On the other hand, by (ii), is -asymptotically compact, for all . For the above , there is a subsequence such that is convergent in . Therefore, there exists an integer such that for all , we have The proof is complete.

Remark 11. If we replace by other Banach spaces in Theorem 10, such as , and , the corresponding results also hold true. In particular, in the deterministic case, it is the exact method used in [22] when is replaced by .

3. The Reaction-Diffusion Equation on with Additive Noise

We consider the probability space where is the Borel -algebra induced by the compact-open topology of , and the corresponding Wiener measure on . Then we will identify with Define the time shift by and then is an MDS.

We now translate the stochastic equation (1)-(2) into a deterministic equation with a random parameter.

To this end, we consider the one-dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process given by which solves the Itô differential equation Note that the random variable is tempered and is -a.e. continuous in . Therefore, it follows from the Proposition in [34] that there exists a tempered function such that where satisfies that for -a.e. , Therefore, for -a.e. , Putting then by (23) we have

Remark 12. From (24) and (27), we can easily show that the sum is bounded by with a deterministic positive constant . In the following of this paper, we use the symbols and to denote the random variables in (24).

In order to show that the initial problem (1)-(2) generates an RDS, we set . Then we can consider the following evolution equation with random parameter but without white noise: with initial value condition

From [1, 2], we see that for -a.e. and all , the parameterized evolution equation (30)-(31) with conditions (3)–(6) has a unique solution for every . Furthermore, is continuous with respect to in , for all .

As the process is the solution to the problem (1)-(2) in a certain sense. We now define a mapping by for all . Then is a continuous RDS on and an RDS on respectively associated with the initial value problem of SRDE (1)-(2) on .

Theorem 13 (see [1, 2]). Assume that and (3)–(6) hold. Then the RDS generated by (1)-(2) has a unique -random attractor and has a unique -random attractor ; furthermore, we have .

4. Uniform Estimates of Solutions

4.1. -Random Absorbing Set and Some Useful Estimates

The next lemma shows that has a tempered -random absorbing set.

Lemma 14 (see [1]). Assume that and (3)–(6) hold. Let and . Then, for -a.e. , there exists such that, for all , where is a constant independent of , , and .

We now give some new estimates for the solution of (30)-(31).

Lemma 15. Assume that and (3)–(6) hold. Let and . Then, for -a.e. , there exists , such that the solution of (30)-(31) satisfies that, for all and for all , where is a constant independent of , , and .

Proof. The first assertion was proved in [2] in the case of , and the case for can be obtained by slightly modifying the proof of Lemma 4.4 in [2] (in fact, for , (36) also holds true, and we will use this result in (55)), and here we omit it.
Now, we prove the second assertion. Multiplying (30) with and integrating over , we get Since , we have For the nonlinearity, similar to and in [2], we have From (39)-(40) and (42)-(43), we get
On the other hand, multiplying (30) by and integrating over , we get the results in [1]: By Hölder inequality, , we can convert (45) into For any , integrating (47) over and using (46), we get Next, fix and integrate (44) over to get Integrating the above inequality with respect to over and using (48), we obtain, for all , Replacing by first, then substituting for in the aforementioned inequality, and noting that , we have where we have used (26) in the pervious inequality. Noting that with and , we get from (51) that there exists such that, for all and for all , That is, (37) holds true.
To prove (38), we take the inner product of (30) with in , and using in [1], we get This implies that Integrating (47) over and substituting for , then from (36), we get Obviously, from (51) we can easily see that (37) also holds for ; then, by (37), (47), (54)-(55), and a similar procedure as the proof of (37), one can show that, for all , and for all , The proof is complete.

Lemma 16. Assume that and (3)–(6) hold. Let and . Then, for -a.e. , there exists , such that the solution of (30)-(31) satisfies that for all ,

Proof. Integrating (44) over , we get Replacing by in the aforementioned inequality, it yields that Lemma 15 and the aforementioned inequality imply that there exists , , such that (57) holds.
Next, taking the inner product of (30) with in , and using (4), we obtain that is, We now integrate (62) over to obtain Replacing by , we get Equations (36), (38) and (57) together imply that (58) is also true. The proof is complete.

4.2. Tail Estimate in

We next estimate “the tail” of the solution to the problem (1)-(2) in .

Lemma 17. Assume that and (3)–(6) hold. Let and . Then, for -a.e. and for every , there exist and , such that the solution of (30)-(31) satisfies that ,

Proof. By Lemma 4.6 in [1], it suffices to prove that Let be a smooth function defined on such that , for all , and Then there is a positive constant such that for all .
Multiplying (30) by and integrating with respect to over , we get The second term of the left-hand side is bounded by Similarly, the forth term of the left-hand side of (68) is bounded by For the last term of the right-hand side of (68), we have We next consider the nonlinear term in (68). Since
We now estimate each term in the right-hand side of (72). Using (4), the property of , and Cauchy's inequality, we see that the first term of the right-hand side of (72) is bounded by By (6), we can estimate the second term of the right-hand side of (72) as follows: For the third term of the right-hand side of (72), by using (5), we have For the last term of the right-hand side of (72), by using (4) and Young's inequality, we find Putting (73)–(76) together into (72), it yields that Then by (68)–(71) and (77), we get In particular, Let and integrate the aforementioned inequality from to : Integrating the aforementioned inequality with respect to over , and replacing by , we obtain
In the sequel, we estimate each term in the right-hand side of (81) to show that they are arbitrary small when and are large enough.
To estimate the first term in the right-hand side of (81), we cite the result in [1]; that is, Integrating the the aforementioned inequality over and replacing by we get To estimate the first term of the right-hand side of (83), we need a result in [1]. Substituting for of in [1], we get where is an absorbing time in Lemma 14 and . It is a direct result of [1] that there exist , such that, for all , the right-hand side of the aforementioned inequality is less than or equal to , so we get By Lemma 15 we find that there exists , for all , Choosing such that for , we deduce that For the third term of the right-hand side of (83), we have since , , and there is a constant such that, for all , Note that and for . Hence there exists such that for all and , where is the constant in (83), and thus we have the following estimate: Let
From (83), (85), (87), (89), and (91), , , we can estimate the first term of the right-hand side of (81) as
Next, from (82) and a similar process as the proof of (93), one can also get the result for the second term of right-hand side of (81); that is, there exist and such that, for all , ,
From Lemmas 15 and 16 we see that there exist and such that ,
For the seventh and eighth terms of the right-hand side of (81), we have So there exists such that, for all and all , we have
Similar to the proof of (91), one can show that there exists such that, for all and all , we have
Since , , and , we can easily show that there exists such that the last term of the right-hand side of (81) is bounded by when .
Finally, let From (81), (93)–(95), (97)–(99) we get Therefore, , The proof is complete.

Lemma 18. Assume that and (3)–(6) hold. Let and . Then, for -a.e. and for every , there exist and , such that the solution of problem (1)-(2) satisfies that, ,

Proof. Considering , we choose large enough such that and set . Then by Lemma 17 and (34), one can easily show that with , where , are the constants in Lemma 17. The proof is complete.

4.3. Asymptotic Compactness in Bounded Balls

In what follows, we prove the asymptotic compactness in any bounded ball, which together with Lemma 18 and Theorem 10 is a necessary condition for verifying the -asymptotic compactness. For this purpose, we set , where is the function described in Lemma 17.

For fixed , define Then and where is a positive constant, independent of , , and . Then we have Multiplying (30) by , then we can easily show that Consider the following eigenvalue problem: and then problem (110) has a family of eigenfunctions with corresponding eigenvalues such that forms an orthogonal basis in both and and Given , let span and be the projection operator. For any , we write In order to prove the asymptotic compactness we need the following lemma, which can be found in [19].

Lemma 19 (see [19]). Let , , , and for where the functions , , are assumed to be locally integrable and , nonnegative on the interval , for some . Then, for any , In particular, let , then

Lemma 20. Assume that and (3)–(6) hold. Let and . Then, for -a.e. and for every , there exist , , and such that the solution of (30)-(31) satisfies that, ,

Proof. If , one can easily show the results by (36). So in the following we assume . Let where and .
Multiplying (30) with and integrating over , we get From (41), when , we have where the constant in the right hand side of (119) is independent of when we assume, without loss of generality, that .
From (118)-(119), we get Applying Cauchy's inequality, we obtain that is, By (123) and Lemma 19 with , we get where .
Set ; we first substitute for in the aforementioned inequality and then we replace by to get For the first term of the right-hand side of (125), we use Lemma 15: Then there exists such that, for all and all , For the second term of the right-hand side of (125), , by (26) we have This implies that there exists such that we have For the last term of the right-hand side of (125), we can easily see that there exists such that, for all , Letting , then combining with (125), (127) and (129)–(130), we can show that, for all and all ,
Next, we set where , , and is the constants in (122). Integrating (122) over , we get Replacing by and setting , we obtain For fixed , by (131) and (132), , , where is the constant in (131).
Using (132), the first term of the right-hand side of (134) is bounded by For the last term of right-hand side of (134), by using (132), we have By (134)–(137), , , and with , we have
Similarly, multiplying (30) with , we can prove that there exists such that , and with , over the region ; we have Let ; from (138) and (139) we can obtain our results. The proof is complete.

Remark 21. The idea of the proof of the above lemma comes from [19] (this idea can be further traced back to Marion [16] and Robinson [18]). We see from (132) that the constant in Lemma 20 is independent of , which is different from the in the Lemma 3.4 in [19]. This is crucial in the following estimates. As we know, the time will vary to infinite when we consider the asymptotic behavior of an RDS. It means that if is not a fixed constant with respect to , the following estimate will be invalid. In other words, if the function in (1) is dependent on , our method will fail.

Lemma 22. Assume that and (3)–(6) hold. Let and . Then, for -a.e. and for every and all , there exist and such that the solution of (30)-(31) satisfies that, , , where .

Proof. Multiplying (109) with and integrating over , we get
We now estimate each term in the right-hand side of the aforementioned equality. For the first term, by using Cauchy inequality and (4), we have where denotes the Lebesgue measure of .
For the second to fifth term, we can estimate them as follows: where the constant in (145) and (146) is independent of , since .
Combining (141)–(146) we get and this implies that By using Lemma 19 with , we get Substituting for , we get for simplicity, hereafter, we write .
In the sequel, we estimate each term in the right-hand side of (150). For the first term, we use Lemma 15 and (107) to obtain that, for , Thus, there exists , for all and all , we get
For the second term in the right-hand side of (150), we can estimate it as follows: The first term in the right-hand side of (154) is bounded by when we choose appropriate and by Lemma 20.
For the second term of the right-hand side of (154), we use Lemma 15, , where is determined in (155), and then there exists , such that , we get By Lemma 16, the last term of the right-hand side of (154) is bounded by for all . This implies that there exists , such that, for all , , we have Combining (154), (155), (157), and (159) and setting , then we have that, for all , , The third term of the right-hand side of (150) is bounded by so there exists , ; we have For the forth term of the right-hand side of (150), by using Lemma 15, we have and then there exists , for all and all , For the last term of the right-hand side of (150), we have this implies that there exists ( is determined in (155)), for all and all ,
Finally, let , and then from (150), (152), (160), (162), (164), and (166) we have that, for all , , The proof is complete.

Lemma 23. Assume that and (3)–(6) hold, and is the RDS generated by problem (1)-(2); then, is -asymptotically compact for all .

Proof. We first prove that the sequence is precompact in , for any , and any with , where the relationship between and is determined by (31), that is, . By Lemma 15 we see that, for all , where with . Thus there is such that, for all , we have and By (107) and the aforementioned inequality we find that
Given , it follows from Lemma 22 that there are and such that, for all , Taking large enough such that for , then we get from (171) that On the other hand, (170) shows that the sequence is bounded in the finite-dimensional space and hence is precompact in , which along with (172) implies the precompactness of in .
Next we prove the -asymptotic compactness for . From the definition of , we see that in , so is precompact in . By the relationship and the aforementioed assert, we obtain that is precompact in , for all . The proof is complete.

5. Asymptotic Compactness and Random Attractors

In this section, we prove our main result, that is, the existence of an -random attractor for the RDS associated with the initial value problem of SRDE (1)-(2). To this end, we should show the -asymptotic compactness of . From Theorem 10 and Lemmas 18 and 23, we can immediately obtain the asymptotic compactness of .

Lemma 24. Assume that and (3)–(6) hold. Then the RDS generated by (1)-(2) is asymptotically compact.

Now, we are in a position to present our main result.

Theorem 25. Assume that and (3)–(6) hold. Then the RDS generated by (1)-(2) has an -random attractor .

Proof. The result can be obtained by Theorems 9, and 13, Lemmas 14, and 24 immediately.

Remark 26. Our methods can be used to prove the existence of -pullback attractors for the following non-autonomous reaction-diffusion equation on unbounded domains: with the initial condition for every and where the nonlinear term satisfies (3)–(6) in this paper. is a given function in with and the result is new in this case.


The authors are grateful to the anonymous referees for the helpful comments and suggestions that greatly improved the presentation of this paper. This work was supported by NSF of China 10871078 and FRF for the Central Universities of China 2012QN034, and 2013ZZGH027.