Research Article

Analysis of Similarity/Dissimilarity of DNA Sequences Based on Chaos Game Representation

Table 5

Similarity/dissimilarity table for the nine DNA sequences in  Table 1 based on Euclidean distance between the 3-component vectors in Table 3.

Species Human Goat Opossum GallusLemur Mouse Rabbit Rat Gorilla

Human 0 0.01710.0479 0.0290 0.0481 0.0342 0.0173 0.0317 0.0063
Goat 0 0.0490 0.0410 0.0442 0.0212 0.0157 0.0342 0.0187
Opossum 00.0691 0.0180 0.0394 0.0407 0.05260.0481
Gallus 0 0.06860.0602 0.03640.03130.0333
Lemur 00.03170.0353 0.0455 0.0499
Mouse 0 0.0258 0.0449 0.0344
Rabbit 0 0.02130.0220
Rat 0 0.0380
Gorilla 0