Research Article

An Efficient Computation of Effective Ground Range Using an Oblate Earth Model

Table 3

Comparison of lengths of minor axis using oblate spheroid Earth model from a launch city A (−100°, 30°).

(Longitude, latitude) Minor axis length
ND method (km)
Minor axis length
MF method (km)
Difference (m)

(60°, −30°) 6372.65 6372.61 32.97
(30°, −30°) 6371.94 6371.92 26.73
(75°, −30°) 6372.76 6372.64 122.35
(95°, −30°) 6372.7 6372.66 37.71
(10°, 25°) 6368.4 6368.3 96.41
(0°, 0°) 6372.65 6372.56 90.3
(−100°, −30°) 6356.75 6356.75 0