Research Article

Studying Term Structure of SHIBOR with the Two-Factor Vasicek Model

Table 4

The fitting errors of the SHIBOR two-factor Vasicek model.

Error analysis Variance Mean square error Average relative error Maximum absolute value error

O/N 0.004204 0.012904 0.06176 1.700516
1 week 0.004475 0.015309 0.068809 2.191315
2 weeks 0.0047 0.015163 0.060387 3.148987
1 month 0.0026 0.003363 0.028864 1.182393
3 months 0.000162 0.003235 0.220396
6 months 0.000883 0.016326 0.967795
9 months 0.00054 0.014141 0.348812
1 year 0.0012 0.00023 0.013917 0.215112