Research Article

Studying Term Structure of SHIBOR with the Two-Factor Vasicek Model

Table 5

Analysis results of prediction errors of SHIBOR two-factor Vasicek model.

Error analysis Variance Mean square error Average relative error Maximum absolute value error

O/N 0.004308 0.019736 0.127703 0.232284
1-week 0.003746 0.008812 0.080438 0.118666
2-week 0.009814 0.036827 0.14746 0.080697
1-month 0.008153 0.028611 0.13772 0.301889
3-month 0.001746 0.001335 0.032295 0.043602
6-month 0.004104 0.008984 0.088007 0.054531
9-month 0.004801 0.01201 0.104805 0.074383
1-year 0.004243 0.008834 0.086004 0.049985