
A method for the approximate computation of frequency-dependent magnetic and electric matrix Green’s functions in a rectangular parallelepiped with a perfect conducting boundary is suggested in the paper. This method is based on approximation (regularization) of the Dirac delta function and its derivatives, which appear in the differential equations for magnetic and electric Green’s functions, and the Fourier series expansion meta-approach for solving the elliptic boundary value problems. The elements of approximate Green’s functions are found explicitly in the form of the Fourier series with a finite number of terms. The convergence analysis for finding the number of the terms is given. The computational experiments have confirmed the robustness of the method.

1. Introduction

In recent years a lot of attention has been devoted to derivation of the electric and magnetic fields inside bounded domains with perfect conducting boundaries [14]. The study of the distribution of electromagnetic fields inside a real indoor environment (cabinets, desks, etc.) has the great practical interest (see, e.g., [5]). The theory (existence, uniqueness, and stability estimate theorems) of time-dependent Maxwell’s equations in bounded domains with perfect conducting boundary conditions and smooth current and charge densities has been described by Dautray and Lions in [6]. These theoretical results form the background for many computational methods such as finite element method, finite-difference method, finite-difference time domain method, modal expansion method, and Nitsche type method, which have been handled for computation of the electric and magnetic fields in bounded domains with a perfect conducting boundary [13, 68].

We need to note that the solution (both analytical and numerical) of the initial value and initial boundary value problems in electrodynamics is often facilitated by introduction of electric and magnetic Green’s functions [917], but the derivations of electric and magnetic Green’s functions have been made in a free space or unbounded domain. The computation of time-dependent electric and magnetic Green’s functions for the bounded domain with perfect conducting conditions has not been achieved so far.

In our paper we suggest a new method for the approximate computation of frequency-dependent magnetic and electric matrix Green’s functions in a rectangular parallelepiped with perfect conducting boundary. This method consists of the following. The equations for magnetic Green’s function are written in the special form which does not contain elements of electric Green’s function. These equations are elliptic partial differential equations and contain the components of the generalized vector functions (distributions) , in their right hand sides. We approximate components of these generalized vector functions by the Fourier series with a finite number of terms and then applied standard Fourier series expansion meta-approach for solving the boundary value problem for the elliptic partial differential equations in the bounded region. After calculation of all columns of magnetic matrix Green’s function the approximate computation of the columns of electric Green’s function is given by explicit calculation of the differential operator from each column of magnetic matrix Green’s function with respect to 3D space variable .

2. Frequency-Dependent Magnetic and Electric Green’s Functions

Let be given positive numbers and let be a rectangular parallelepiped; is the boundary of ; (frequency, ), let be 1D and 3D parameters, respectively. The matrices whose columns , , and satisfy are called frequency-dependent magnetic and electric Green’s functions in , respectively. Here is the imaginary unit ( ); and are given constants characterizing the permittivity and permeability of the electromagnetic medium, which is located inside ; are the basis vectors from Euclidean space ; is the 3D parameter; , and are the Dirac delta distribution concentrated at and ; is an outward unit normal vector on . The relations in (5) are called the perfect conducting boundary conditions.

Remark 1. We note that for all is a consequence of (4).

Applying to (3) and using (4), we find Taking the cross product of both sides of (3) and , and using (5) we get

The following equation follows from (3)

Remark 2. If is a vector function satisfying (6) and (7) and is a vector function satisfying (8) for a fixed value of , then and satisfy (3)–(5); that is, and are columns of frequency-dependent magnetic and electric Green’s functions. Really, from (8), we find . Substituting the expression for into (6) we have . Moreover, taking the cross product of (8) and , letting and, using (7) we find that satisfies the first condition of (5). Therefore, we obtain that if and satisfy (6), (7), and (8) then and satisfy (3)–(5) also; that is, and are -columns of frequency-dependent electric and magnetic Green’s functions.

Remark 3. Let and satisfy (6) and (8). Then , .

3. The Eigenvalue-Eigenfunction Problem for the Operator in a Rectangular Parallelepiped

Let us consider the problem of finding all values of (eigenvalues) for which there exists a nonzero vector-valued function (vector-valued eigenfunction) satisfying where is the identity matrix.

In this section we show that the eigenvalue-eigenfunction problem (9) and (10) can be decomposed into three eigenvalue-eigenfunction problems for the scalar-valued Laplace operator in the rectangular parallelepiped with the mixed boundary conditions. These subproblems can be solved by a standard technique [18].

Lemma 4. Let the boundary of the parallelepiped be presented as , where , , and are the sets defined by The boundary condition in (10) can be written as where the functions and , are defined by

Proof. Let us prove this for and let us consider the part of the boundary where . Thus, the outward normal unit vector is . The second condition of (10) reads The first condition of (10) takes the form Combining the last three equalities we can write the boundary condition (10) in the form where , ; , and ; and . Similar arguments hold for the lower part of and for the parts of the boundaries and leading to (12).

Let denote the eigenvalues and the corresponding vector-valued eigenfunctions of (9) and (10). The eigenfunctions can be written in the form and , , and satisfy Applying the standard technique of the spectral theory (see, e.g., [18]) we find all eigenvalues and corresponding eigenfunctions of the problem (18) and (19) for each as follows.

For , ;   are eigenvalues and corresponding eigenfunctions.

For , ; are eigenvalues and corresponding eigenfunctions.

For , ; are eigenvalues and corresponding eigenfunctions.

Here , , and are constants, such that ; . That is, , , and ; ; .

Remark 5. Let , , be eigenfunctions of (18) and (19) defined above. By the direct computation we can show that satisfies the boundary conditions (10) for the rectangular parallelepiped .

Remark 6. For each the system of eigenfunctions is orthogonal and complete in the space of the square integrable functions over . That is, any scalar-valued function can be written in the form of uniformly convergent series over (see, e.g., [18]) where The constants defined in (25) are called the Fourier coefficients of relative to the basis functions .

Lemma 7 (see [18]). Let . Then holds. Here are the Fourier coefficients (25). The equality (26) is known as Parseval’s equality. The proof of this lemma can be found, for example, in [18].

As a result, any vector function with components from can be presented in the form where We note that if then ; , is uniformly convergent series over .

4. Computation of Frequency-Dependent Magnetic Matrix Green’s Function

4.1. The Regularization of

Let , , , be the Dirac delta distribution. The vector distribution can be written as follows: Using formulas (26) and (28) we find the Fourier series expansion of in the form of (27), where (See, e.g., [1922].)

Lemma 8. Let be fixed, and . Then the series are absolutely convergent. Here and are defined by (25) for the given function .

The proof of Lemma 8 can be done by standard arguments of calculus (see Appendix A).

Using Lemma 8 the distributions and can be defined by for any function .

Let us consider the infinitely differentiable functions , defined by

Lemma 9. Let be fixed, and let functions and be defined by (34) and (35). Then for any

The proof of Lemma 7 follows from Lemma 4 and standard arguments of the theory of distributions (see, e.g., [19, 20]).

Remark 10. Equalities (36) and (37) mean that in the space of distributions (see, e.g., [19, 20]).

Remark 11. The functions and can be taken as regularizations (approximations) of the distributions and , respectively. Here is a parameter of the regularization (see, e.g., [19, 20]).

Remark 12. Let Using Lemma 9 and Remarks 10 and 11 we find that in the space of distributions and therefore the vector function , with infinitely differentiable components, can be taken as a regularization of the generalized vector function .
Similarly, we find that the vector functions and , defined by can be taken as the regularizations of and .

4.2. Solving (6) and (7) with the Regularized Inhomogeneous Term

Let us consider (6) and (7) for frequency-dependent magnetic Green’s function. We replace by their regularizations defined by (39), (41), and (42) for , respectively. Moreover, (6) and (7) are replaced by the following equations: We will find solutions of the problem (43) and (44) in the form where ; are eigenfunctions of the eigenvalue-eigenfunction problem (18) and (19); and , are the unknown Fourier coefficients.

Substituting (45) into (43) and using orthogonality of , we find for ; ; , , and .

Let ; then is uniquely determined by where . As a result we obtain the following explicit formula: for all , , and all parameter satisfying   ( ; ; ).

Similarly, the solutions of (43) and (44) for and are obtained in the form Using the explicit formulas for and we can check directly that satisfy the boundary condition (44).

Remark 13. By direct computation we can show that the vector functions , defined by, (49)–(51), satisfy

4.3. Frequency-Dependent Magnetic Green’s Function and Its Regularization

In this section we show that ; exists in the space of distributions , and the distributions are the entries of matrix-valued Green’s function .

Let us consider for example, , and an arbitrary function of the form (24) and (25). The integrable over function defines a regular functional (distribution) by Using Lemma 8 we find that is absolutely convergent for any . This means that exists for any and defines the linear continuous functional over .

Similarly, we can find as in the complete space (see, e.g., [19, 20]) for and .

Moreover, since satisfies equalities (43) and (44) then satisfies the following equalities: that is, equalities (6) and (7). This means that is the -column of frequency-dependent magnetic matrix Green’s function.

5. Approximate Solution of Electric Green’s Function

Let columns of magnetic Green’s function be derived approximately; that is, let solutions , of the problem (43) and (44) be computed by formulae (49), (50), and (51). For the approximate derivation of , satisfying (8), we replace by and by its regularization in (8) for , respectively, and find an explicit formula for as follows: for all , , and all parameter satisfying .

5.1. The Regularization of

Let us consider the differentiable function , given by (55). This function defines a linear continuous regular functional over by the following relation (see, e.g., [19, 20]): for an arbitrary . The series in the right-hand side of the last equality is absolutely convergent for any (see, Appendix B). This means that exists for any and defines a linear continuous regular functional over . We denote this functional as ; that is, in the complete space . Similarly, we can find as in the space for and .

The -column of electric Green’s function is Let now = ( , , be the generalized vector function, whose components are distributions defined as , . Since satisfies (55), then the generalized vector function satisfies (4).

Remark 14. We note that the generalized vector functions , , defined in Sections 4.3 and 5.1, satisfy (6), (7), and (8). It follows that and satisfy (3)–(5), and therefore, and are -columns of frequency-dependent electric and magnetic Green’s functions and , respectively.

6. Computational Experiments

In this section, we present computational experiments to show applicability of the approximate computation of frequency-dependent magnetic and electric matrix Green’s functions in the rectangular parallelepiped. Here we consider the parallelepiped which contains a dielectric material characterized by the electric permittivity and the magnetic permeability . We choose and as   (  m/s is the speed of light) and is equal to the value of . The boundary of , denoted as , is a perfect conducting boundary on which the tangential components of the electric field component and normal component of the magnetic field component vanish. There is an electric current inside which produces the electric and magnetic fields. In our experiments we take , , as

where are the basis vectors from ; is the 3D parameter from and chosen as , , ; , is the Dirac delta distribution at , .

Two types of computational experiments will be presented. The first one is related to convergence and error analysis of our method; the second one is the computation of the elements of matrix magnetic and electric Green’s functions in the rectangular parallelepiped and the visualization of the computed magnetic and electric fields components by MATLAB graphic tools.

6.1. Convergence Analysis

Green’s function of the magnetic field is matrix whose elements are distributions. Generally speaking, distributions do not have values at fixed points [19, 20]. The elements of regularized (approximate) matrix Green’s function, which we have computed by our method, are classical differentiable and integrable functions over having the values at fixed points. These classical functions define the regular distributions by the standard rule (see, [19, 20]). The comparison of the distributions can be made by the comparison of their integral characteristics. Some integral characteristics of the elements of matrix Green’s function of the magnetic field can be found explicitly. For example, let be a solution of (6) and let (7) for and and let be defined by We can show that satisfies where . A solution of (61) and (62) can be written in the form We can compare the values of , as the values of the integral characteristics of , with the values of the integral characteristic of . Here is the element of approximate matrix Green’s function computed by our method and is the parameter of the approximation corresponding to the number of the terms in each series of the right hand side of (64).

In Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4 and Table 1 the values of are compared with the values of for fixed , , , and and such that and and different numbers . The maximum of relative error at the point of the interval for is , , , and , respectively. Making the error analysis we have concluded that the biggest corresponds to the smallest error between values of and . We have taken as a reasonable value between accuracy and the time for our computation in MATLAB.

6.2. Approximate Computation and Visualization of the Elements of Matrix Magnetic and Electric Green’s Functions

The method described in Sections 4 and 5 has been applied for the approximate computation of frequency-dependent magnetic and electric Green’s matrices in the rectangular parallelepiped , respectively. We note that each column of magnetic and electric frequency-dependent Green’s matrices is the magnetic and electric fields arising from the pulse dipole polarized in the direction of the basis vector of . For computation we take , , and and and such that , ( is the value of the light velocity), , , and . Computation of and has been implemented in MATLAB and their graphs are presented. Figures 5(a), 5(b), 6(a), and 6(b) present the second and third components of the first column of the regularized magnetic matrix, respectively, and . Figures 7(a)-7(b), 8(a)-8(b), and 9(a)-9(b) present each component of the first column of the regularized electric matrix, respectively, , , and . The views of the surfaces , , , , and ( =100) from the top of -axis are presented in Figures 5(a), 6(a), 7(a), 8(a), and 9(a), where -axis is vertical and -axis is a horizontal one. Figures 5(b), 6(b), 7(b), 8(b), and 9(b) are 3D images of the surfaces , , , , and for , respectively. Here, and are horizontal axes and -axis is the magnitude.

7. Conclusion

The new method for the approximate computation of frequency-dependent magnetic and electric Green’s matrices in the rectangular parallelepiped with a perfect conducting boundary has been developed. This method has the following steps.

The first step is determination of the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenfunctions of the vector Laplace differential operator of the form (where is the Laplace operator and is the identity matrix) in a parallelepiped subject to some boundary conditions. The components of these vector eigenfunctions form an orthogonal set which is complete in the space of the square integrable functions over the considered parallelepiped.

The second step is an approximation (regularization) of the generalized vector functions (distributions) ; , appear in the differential equations for the columns of magnetic Green’s matrix as the free terms. Here are the basis vectors of , , ; is a 3D parameter from the considered parallelepiped, , and is the Dirac delta function considered at and . We find the Fourier coefficients of these free terms relative to the obtained set of eigenfunctions and approximate them by the Fourier series with a finite number of terms. We note that the Dirac delta function is very often used for modeling the point source in physics and engineering (see, [19, 20, 23]). The Dirac delta function does not have point-wise values and can not be drawn. For this reason, a regularization (approximation) of the Dirac delta function in the form of the classical function which has point-wise values is usually used for drawing and computation. For the Dirac delta function, as a singular generalized function, there are different types of approximation (see, e.g., [19, 20, 23]). Unfortunately, the known approximations of the Dirac delta function are not convenient for our approach. For this reason we have suggested a new approximation which is very useful for the computation of considered Green’s function.

The third step is an approximate computation of elements of Green’s matrix in the form of the Fourier series with a finite number of terms relative to the considered set of eigenfunctions. All terms of this series contain known functions which are given explicitly. The simple implementation of our method for computing magnetic Green’s function in a rectangular parallelepiped is based on the obtained presentation and does not contain any type of discretization.

Using explicit formulas for the approximate elements of magnetic Green’s matrix we derive explicitly the approximate elements of electric Green’s matrix. Finally, we have obtained the columns of magnetic and electric matrix Green’s function in the space of generalized functions (distributions) and their regularizations (approximations). The method has been implemented in MATLAB. The computational experiments have confirmed its robustness. We can note also that application, for example, finite elements or finite difference approaches can be done if we approximate the generalized vector functions by vector functions with components which are classical functions. We note here that numerical computations of the values of magnetic Green’s function by equations, where are replaced by their approximation, will contain the error depending on the grid of discretization. For this reason our method of the computation of the magnetic Green function has the accuracy which is significantly better than other methods based on any type of discretization.


A. Proof of Lemma 8

Let be the differential operator, where and are nonnegative integers. We have for an arbitrary .

Using Parseval’s equality (26) we find Here denotes the Fourier coefficients of the function relative to basis functions , ; .

For even positive integers we have where .

Using (21) and (A.3) we have where .

The convergence of follows from (A.2). The series converges for , , and . Therefore, taking even positive integers and using equality (A.4), we find that the series (31) is convergent for any fixed and . The convergence of (32) can be established similarly.

Lemma 8 is proved.

B. Convergence of Series (56)

Let us consider the convergence of the following series for any fixed and any function : Let be an arbitrary function from and ; , where , are natural numbers, such that , , and . Let and be the Fourier coefficients of and relative to the basis , ; . Then we have where . Using the technique similar to Appendix A we find that converges and, as a result of it, series (B.1) converges absolutely for any fixed and any function . The convergence of series (B.2) and (B.3) for any fixed and an arbitrary function can be established in a similar way. Convergence of series (B.1), (B.2), and (B.3) implies the absolute convergence of the series in (56) for any fixed and arbitrary .

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.


This work was supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK) under the Research Grant no. 2211.