Research Article

Formal and Executable Specification of Random Waypoint Mobility Model Using Timed Coloured Petri Nets for WMN

Table 3

Movement pattern of 4 NODES after 1200 steps simulation.

NODE 1, completed 7 epoch in 490 m
1′(1, 28, (67, 10), (11, 21), (11, 21), FINISH, 1) @ 29+++
1′(1, 69, (11, 21), (92, 8), (92, 8), FINISH, 2) @ 99+++
1′(1, 95, (92, 8), (16, 16), (16, 16), FINISH, 3) @ 146+++
1′(1, 179, (16, 16), (100, 100), (100, 100), FINISH, 4) @ 256+++
1′(1, 183, (100, 100), (92, 100), (92, 100), FINISH, 5) @ 289+++
1′(1, 280, (92, 100), (97, 3), (97, 3), FINISH, 6) @ 424+++
1′(1, 307, (97, 3), (20, 3), (20, 3), FINISH, 7) @ 490

NODE 2, completed 11 epoch in 530 m
1′(2, 57, (42, 17), (34, 74), (34, 74), FINISH, 1) @ 58+++
1′(2, 67, (34, 74), (34, 64), (34, 64), FINISH, 2) @ 106+++
1′(2, 73, (34, 64), (16, 64), (16, 64), FINISH, 3) @ 136+++
1′(2, 125, (16, 64), (68, 68), (68, 68), FINISH, 4) @ 211+++
1′(2, 133, (68, 68), (60, 68), (60, 68), FINISH, 5) @ 242+++
1′(2, 143, (60, 68), (32, 68), (32, 68), FINISH, 6) @ 281+++
1′(2, 181, (32, 68), (18, 18), (18, 18), FINISH, 7) @ 347+++
1′(2, 194, (18, 18), (44, 18), (44, 18), FINISH, 8) @ 384+++
1′(2, 196, (44, 18), (38, 18), (38, 18), FINISH, 9) @ 423+++
1′(2, 224, (38, 18), (73, 73), (73, 73), FINISH, 10) @ 487+++
1′(2, 230, (73, 73), (67, 73), (67, 73), FINISH, 11) @ 530