Research Article

Hopf Bifurcation and Stability of Periodic Solutions for Delay Differential Model of HIV Infection of CD4+ T-cells

Table 1

Parameter definitions and estimations used in the underlying model.

Parameter Notes Estimated ValueRange Source

Source of uninfected CD4+ T-cells 10 0–10 [26]
Rate of infection 0.10.00001–0.5 [26]
Total carrying capacity 1500 1500 [26]
Logistic growth term 0.03 0.03–3 [26]
Mortality rate of CD4+ T-cells 0.06 0.007–0.1 [26]
Antiretroviral (RTI) therapy 0.9 0-1see text
Infected cells died out naturally 0.3 0.2–1.4 [26]
Apoptosis rate of infected cells 0.2 0.2 [26]
Clearance rate of infected cells 1 0.001–1 [26]
Protease inhibitor therapy 0.9 0, 1see text
Rate of differentiation of CTLs0.02 Assumed
Death rate of CTL precursors 0.02 0.005–0.15 [26]
Proliferation of CTLs responsiveness 0.1 0.001–1 [26]
Mortality rate or CTL effectors 0.1 0.005–0.15[26]