Research Article

Mineralization Rates of Soil Forms of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium as Affected by Organomineral Fertilizer in Sandy Loam

Table 4

Effect of organomineral fertilizer on soil chemical properties.


2.5 t ha−1 OMF6.24ab1.77a4.00c0.99c1.52b1.82a8.33c78.15a
5 t ha−1 OMF6.15b1.73a6.01b2.55a1.48b1.64ab11.68b85.96a
10 t ha−1 OMF6.14b1.89a6.58ab2.68a1.83a1.75a12.84ab86.37a
20 t ha−1 OMF6.98a1.79a7.75a2.67a2.40b1.61b14.43a88.84a

Treatments with the same letter are not significantly different at 5% level using DMRT.