Research Article

Weed Control and Corn (Zea mays) Response to Planting Pattern and Herbicide Program with High Seeding Rates in North Carolina

Table 1

Influence of herbicide program on common ragweed density 6 weeks after treatment (WAT), corn grain yield, and days from planting to silking during 2011a.

Herbicides applied postemergencebHerbicide rateCommon ragweedCorn
Density 6 WATGrain yieldTime to silking
g ha−1Number m−2kg ha−1d

No POST herbicide19a3290b70a
Glyphosate or glufosinate560 or 8401b4140a68c
Atrazine plus dicamba1100 + 1400b4180a69b
Atrazine plus dicamba plus glyphosate or glufosinate1100 + 560 or 8400b4710a69b

aMeans within a column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at . Data are pooled over hybrid and planting patterns.
bGlufosinate and glyphosate applied to the appropriate herbicide-tolerant hybrid. S-metolachlor was applied PRE over the entire test area immediately after planting.