Research Article

Effect of Fertilizer Types on the Growth and Yield of Amaranthus caudatus in Ilorin, Southern Guinea, Savanna Zone of Nigeria

Table 3

Effect of fertilizer types on the stem girth and yield parameters of Amaranthus caudatus at 4 weeks after transplanting.

Treatment Stem girth (cm)Fresh root weight (g/plant)Yield (t/ha)

1st planting
Control 0 6.0c27.4d12.1c
Grade A7.5a39.2a18.9a
Grade B6.9b34.7b17.6b

Residual effect
Grade A5.9a30a7.5a
Grade B5.0b18.3b5.0b

Means having the same letter along the columns indicate no significant difference using Duncan’s multiple range test at 5% probability level.