Research Article

Sweet Potato Value Chain Analysis Reveals Opportunities for Increased Income and Food Security in Northern Ghana

Table 7

Farmers perception and ranking of critical production constraints.

Constraints identified Mean Std. dev.Mean rankRanking

Access to improved seed3.11.66.21
Cost of chemical fertilizer3.31.46.32
Poor storage or short shelf-life3.41.76.93
Pests and diseases3.51.67.04
Poor soil fertility3.51.77.25
Preseason and intermittent drought3.61.77.76
Poor access to credit3.61.77.76
Low profit3.81.88.27
Poor price at harvest3.81.88.27
Vines are expensive4.01.38.48
Lack of improved varieties4.11.28.69
Drudgery production operations4.61.510.410
Perceived as food for poor households4.71.310.511
Poor market for produce4.81.310.812
Difficult to process into preservable forms4.81.211.013
Access to farm labour4.81.211.013

Note. Rank 1 is the most constraining factor and in similar order. Chi Square: 498.9, : 0.000, and Kendall’s : (0.139).