Research Article

Characterization of the Beekeeping Value Chain: Challenges, Perceptions, Limitations, and Opportunities for Beekeepers in Kayonza District, Rwanda

Table 2

P-value matrix for cross tabulation of proportional use of hive-fashioning materials by respondents.

Type of hive and fashioning materials

Tree logsTree barksBananaCow dungMudGrassTree leavesLangstroth

Tree logs - .00001 .00001 .00001 .00001 .00001 .00001.002
Tree-bark --.82588.34722.22628..13888.13888.12356
Banana - - -.47152.32218.20408.20408.0784
Cow dung - - --.78716.58232.58232.01428
Mud - - - - -.77182.77182.00714
Grass - - - - --1.00328
Tree leaves - - - - - - -.00328