Research Article

Determinants Influencing the Adoption of Rice Intensification System among Smallholders in Mwea Irrigation Scheme, Kenya

Table 4

Binary logistic regression results.

VariablesCoefficientsZ valuesMarginal effects

Gender1.017 (0.679)1.50.031
Age−0.138 (0.043)−3.22−0.003
Marital status−3.737 (1.144)−3.27−0.089
Education−0.378 (0.661)−0.57−0.009
Household size1.895 (0.322)5.880.045
Farm size2.499 (0.498)5.020.059
Monthly income0.000 (0.000)0.690.001
Off-farm work3.953(0.847)4.670.093
Years of rice farming0.409 (0.121)5.8−0.0097
Extension services7.809 (1.659)4.710.945
Credit access8.714 (1.664)5.240.206
Distance from canal1.354 (0.303)4.470.032
Cons−8.316 (3.449)−2.41

Number of obs = 364; LR χ2 (11) = 340.60 Prob > χ2 = 0.0000; log likelihood = -48.378857; pseudo R2 = 0.7788. Source: authors’ calculations, 2020. Note: and significance at 1% and 5%.