Research Article

Automatic Representation and Segmentation of Video Sequences via a Novel Framework Based on the D-EVM and Kohonen Networks

Algorithm 2

Computing the Regularized Boolean Operations for two nD-EVMs.
Input: Two D-EVMs and , the Boolean Operation op, and the dimensionality .
Output: A resulting D-EVM.
(1)Procedure booleanOperation  (D-EVM , D-EVM , booleanOperator op, integer )
(2)     EVM pSection, qSection;
(3)     EVM couplet;
(4)     boolean , ;
(5)     real coord;
(6)     EVM result, rPrevSection, rCurrSection;
(7)     ifthen
(8)       return booleanOperation1D ();
(9)     else
(10)        pSection initEVM ( );
(11)        qSection initEVM ( );
(12)        rCurrSection initEVM ( );
(13)        nextObject ();
(14)        while  !(endEVM (p))  and  !(endEVM ())  do
(15)        if  fromP  then
(16)          couplet readCouplet ();
(17)          pSection getSection ();
(18)        if  fromQ  then
(19)          couplet readCouplet ();
(20)          qSection getSection ();
(21)        rPrevSectionrCurrSection
(22)        rCurrSection booleanOperation ();
(23)        couplet getCouplet (rPrevSection, rCurrSection);
(24)        setCoord (couplet, coord);
(25)        putCouplet (couplet, result);
(26)        nextObject ();
(27)        while  !endEVM ()  do
(28)        couplet readCouplet ();
(29)        putBool (couplet, result, op);
(30)        while  !endEVM ()  do
(31)        couplet readCouplet ();
(32)        putBool (couplet, result, op);
(33)   return result