Research Article

Automatic Representation and Segmentation of Video Sequences via a Novel Framework Based on the D-EVM and Kohonen Networks

Algorithm 6

Generating an EVM-animation in the D-EVM from a frame sequence.
Input: The path of the frames and time positions for initial and final frame.
(1)Procedure generateAnimation  (String workingDirectory, integer initFrame, integer endFrame)
(2)     EVM currentFrame, prevFrame, diffFrame;
(3)     string framePath;
(4)     prevFrame initEVM ( );
(5)     currentFrame initEVM ( );
(6)     for  i = initFrame  to  endFrame  do
(7)       currentFrame initEVM ( );
(8)       framePathworkingDirectory + “frame” + toString () + “.image”;
(9)       currentFrame loadImage (framePath);
(10)     diffFrame getCouplet (prevFrame, currentFrame);
(11)     saveEVM (diffFrame, );
(12)     prevFramecurrentFrame;
(13)     saveEVM (prevFrame, endFrame + 1);