
The mode of the Lamb spectrum of an isotropic plate exhibits negative group velocity in a narrow frequency domain. This anomalous behavior is explained analytically by examining the slope of each mode first in its initial state and then near its turning points.

1. Introduction

The dispersion relation for symmetric Lamb modes propagating in an infinite isotropic plate of thickness is given by the well known Rayleigh-Lamb equation [1]: where

In (1), and , respectively, denote the phase speeds of the transverse and longitudinal bulk waves in the material. Also, and , respectively, denote the frequency and the wave number of the mode. The phase velocity, , of a mode is given by

If is plotted as a function of the frequency, the spectrum appears as in Figure 1, which depicts the spectrum for a steel plate with  km/s and  km/s.

The most striking feature in Figure 1 is the shape of the mode which has a turning point at , and the phase velocity becomes double valued for in . This phenomenon of negative group velocity is of great technical significance and has been observed in a large number of experiments [28].

The afore mentioned feature of mode was first noticed by Tolstoy and Usdin [9] in . In all isotropic materials with , only the mode has this “anomalous behavior” and other modes behave normally. We will call it the anomaly. An explanation of this peculiar shape of mode has posed a challenge since its discovery in .

For the special case of a material with that is , each of the modes , , exhibits anomalous behavior [10]. Anomalous pairs of modes may also occur for certain special values of the Poisson ratio. We will call it the pair anomaly.

Although (1) governs the behavior of all modes, anomalous or otherwise, no simple theory seems to exist which should provide a satisfactory explanation of why certain modes in the spectrum should possess a bulge while others proceed in a normal manner. However, certain physical explanations of this phenomenon exist. In , Whitaker and Haus [11] noted the fact that “propagation of waves with dispersion of this sort has been experimentally verified [2] but the reason for their appearance is not well understood.” They used the coupled mode theory to argue that, when the fundamental mode and the first harmonic mode are nearly degenerate at cutoff, a coupling effect can occur at the boundaries. Uberall et al. [12] hypothesize that “one observes a repulsion phenomenon between neighboring dispersion curves similar to that encountered in atomic physics for quasidegenerate energy levels of atoms when combining into molecules.” Prada et al. [3] express the same view in the words, “this phenomenon leads to a strong repulsion between the dispersion curves of the neighbouring modes.”

It is clear that all of these authors focused on the pair anomaly only because, in the anomaly, the mode remains distinct and it does not coincide with any other mode at cutoff. Mode repulsion cannot explain anomaly. To the best of our knowledge, the anomaly still remains an unsolved mystery. Recently Hussain and Ahmad [13] considered ZGV points in the spectrum of Lamb modes in compressible orthotropic plate. It was found that, in addition to modes with a single ZGV point, a large number of modes exist with multiple such points.

In this paper we will examine Rayleigh-Lamb spectrum for the symmetric modes of an isotropic material. We will analyze (1) and derive mathematical expressions which will explain both types of anomalies.

2. The Mode Spectrum

Let and , respectively, denote the wave number and phase speed of the mode. Define the dimensionless speed by and the dimensionless frequency by .


With respect to the variables and , (1) becomes

In this section, we will consider . We will calculate the derivative at two positions of the spectrum. We write where the subscript refers to the mode under consideration. For (), we will show that for all modes. On the other hand, for the mode while for all other modes. Since the derivative for the mode changes from positive to negative, it must exhibit a bulge before . No other mode undergoes a reversal of the slope; hence, all other modes continue their downward journey until they asymptotically approach the line .

In Appendix A, we give expressions for and . The derivative is found as

When , (6) becomes Therefore,

Equation (10) shows that the line intersects the modes at infinitely many points. At and , partial derivatives (A.1) become Hence,

It is clear that for all modes. Also becomes progressively smaller as increases and as . This means that, for , there is a plateau region and this plateau is flatter for higher modes.

Next, we find . For , the expressions for and are given by


For , (6) gives

Also, from (15) and (16), we have or equivalently

We have replaced by in (17) and (18), since, for a fixed , (16) yields infinitely many roots , .

To fix ideas, we consider the case of a steel plate for which . The general case follows on similar lines.

From (16), we see that, for the mode, should be slightly less than , so that is in the first quadrant and the corresponding is in the second quadrant to yield a large positive .

Hence, for the mode , we have

For and for large ,.

For and large, approximate values of from (16) for the first few modes are , , , , and . For the steel plate, these values are compared in Table 1 with the exact values found from (6) when .

We have seen previously that for the mode. Now for the mode and from (18) we get

Here, and ; thus . In a similar fashion by successively using (17) and (18), we can show that for all .

From the previous, we conclude that for steel, the is the only mode which reverses its slope while going from large values of to . The previous analysis applies to all materials with .

If , the mode occurs, when , and from (18), the mode will have positive slope as long as or which corresponds to .

Thus, we have established that the mode will be anomalous for all materials falling in the range . Since the slope of becomes negative for all when , the mode will lose its anomalous character beyond which corresponds to .

3. The Exceptional Case

The case merits special treatment. The spectrum of symmetric modes appears as in Figure 2.

The pairs -, -, - appear to merge for large and then bifurcate as they descend to lower values of the phase speed. On the other hand, , appear to behave normally.

This phenomenon was first reported by Mindlin [14]. Each of the modes shows anomalous dispersion.

With , (6) becomes, for , which is satisfied for , . It is shown in Appendix B that a more accurate solution of (6) is

In addition to (23), (16) has roots given by

Ignoring in comparison with , we get or Let Equation (26) becomes or which leads to

Thus, for large , , , , , and so forth.

Since as , the modes appear to coalesce for large . Now, with , (18) gives , , and while the slopes for all other modes are negative. This argument establishes the anomalous dispersion of the modes , As occur slightly above , (17) gives a negative value for the slope of each of these modes. Hence, these modes behave in a normal manner.

4. Conclusion

We have explained analytically the anomalous behavior of Lamb modes for an isotropic material by looking at the slope of each mode for large as well as small . For small , slope is found at . This simple technique explains, in an analytic manner, theoretical results given by several authors about the anomalous dispersion of the mode.


A. The Partial Derivatives

Expressions for the partial derivatives are as follows:

B. The Mode for

For , and .

Let and ignore the terms of order or higher. Then, Putting these expressions in (6), we have or or for large .

This result shows that the modes , , intersect the line , for large , at points slightly to the right of , .


Faiz Ahmad is grateful to the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan for financial support.