Research Article

Contributions of Limb Joints to Energy Absorption during Landing in Cats

Table 1

Mean and SD of peak VGRFs and ratio of to total force ( and ) for each jump heighta.

Jump height (m) (N/kg) (N/kg)Ratio (%)

1.029.44 (8.39)b4.27 (1.64)12.67
1.230.13 (9.17)b7.77 (2.16)20.49
1.432.53 (9.36)b8.72 (2.58)21.14
1.636.05 (10.21)b13.04 (4.12)26.57
1.839.58 (11.05)b20.43 (5.22)34.04
2.045.94 (11.34)b26.64 (7.41)36.70

aValues in the parentheses are the standard deviations (SD). bSignificantly different from at the same height. Parameter shows statistically significant difference between jump heights.