Research Article

Anthropomorphism Index of Mobility for Artificial Hands

Table 3

Mean (SD) of the relative contribution of the five PCs in each grasping task (: indicates the order of the tasks in Figure 2) and final value of the parameter for each PC.

PC1 (%)PC2 (%)PC3 (%)PC4 (%)PC5 (%)

19.2 (6.4)24.4 (7.6)18.4 (7.7)13.0 (7.7)24.9 (9.7)
22.6 (6.9)14.2 (6.3)25.1 (6.1)22.4 (8.1)15.7 (8.4)
25.1 (4.7)23.1 (4.7)15.6 (4.3)24.9 (8.9)11.3 (5.5)
33.5 (6.7)19.1 (3.8)12.6 (3.5)12.1 (4.2)22.7 (10.6)
22.4 (8.3)21.4 (8.9)18.6 (8.5)17.4 (10.6)20.1 (13.9)
28.2 (6.0)21.0 (5.0)17.9 (5.4)17.0 (9.5)16.0 (10.2)
28.3 (5.0)21.1 (3.8)12.9 (4.3)27.0 (9.2)10.8 (5.8)
39.1 (6.2)23.6 (4.0)12.9 (4.6)11.8 (7.7)12.5 (7.3)
19.5 (8.2)24.5 (7.1)14.3 (7.9)20.3 (10.1)21.3 (9.0)
30.9 (6.2)18.6 (5.2)20.1 (6.2)9.6 (5.4)20.7 (11.7)
19.9 (3.4)19.8 (7.7)19.2 (7.9)18.3 (10.8)22.8 (13.3)
34.0 (7.4)20.4 (5.1)12.8 (4.3)12.1 (6.5)20.8 (9.6)
