Research Article

The KM-Algorithm Identifies Regulated Genes in Time Series Expression Data

Table 1

Percentages of correctly classified genes in the simulation whose results are depicted in Figure 1.

Temporal variance Regulation criterion
Top Regulated Unregulated Regulated Unregulated

1% (0/10) 0% (970/990) 98.0% (10/10) 100% (980/990) 99.0%
5% (2/50) 4.0% (932/950) 98.1% (19/50) 38% (949/950) 99.9%
10% (7/100) 7% (887/900) 98.6% (19/100) 19% (899/900) 99.9%
20% (7/200) 3.5% (787/800) 98.4% (20/200) 10% (800/800) 100%