Review Article

Arabinogalactan Glycosyltransferases: Enzyme Assay, Protein-Protein Interaction, Subcellular Localization, and Perspectives for Application

Table 1

AtGALT29A with or without the mutagenesis of Y144. 1Interaction with AtGALT31A as analyzed by FRET acceptor photobleaching [6, 11]; the numbers in brackets indicate the FRET efficiencies; 2frequency (%) of the subcellular targeting of the small compartments of ~0.5 μm in diameter when the construct was expressed solely or coexpressed with AtGALT31A [11]; the numbers in brackets indicate the colocalization frequency with AtGALT31A within the small compartments.

Interaction with AtGALT31A1Localization to small compartments2
Expressed solelyCoexpressed with AtGALT31A

AtGALT29AYes (18%)25%39% (38%)
Y144AYes (9%)60%79% (66%)
Y144EYes (10%)70%66% (64%)