Research Article

Rhizogenesis in Cell Suspension Culture from Mango Ginger: A Source of Isosorbide and n-Hexadecanoic Acid

Table 1

Effect of auxins on adventitious root formation from callus via cell suspension culture.

PGRs (mg L−1) Callus responding with root induction (%)Root length of FC induced (cm)*

0.179.1088.104.46 ± 0.03i
0.266.661006.84 ± 0.04b
0.345.881007.23 ± 0.07a
0.4091.666.37 ± 0.04c
0.5083.335.42 ± 0.06e
0.163.8891.664.51 ± 0.04gh
0.241.661006.46 ± 0.05c
0.3088.105.66 ± 0.05d
0.4072.225.07 ± 0.05f
0.5061.104.63 ± 0.05g

Data was recorded from 5-week-old adventitious root cultures.
All experiments were carried out three times with at least 15 cultures.
*Data represented mean ± SE, mean within a column followed by same letter is not significantly different according to Duncan’s multiple range (DMRT) test, P < 0.05.
NFC: nonfriable callus; SFC: semifriable callus; FC: friable callus.