Research Article

Ultrasonic Guided Waves-Based Monitoring of Rail Head: Laboratory and Field Tests

Table 2

Mother wavelet, number of largest wavelet coefficients, and statistical features considered in the rail head algorithm monitoring system.

Mother wavelet #Mother wavelet## of largest coefficients retained Feature #Statistical Feature

bdb II6–102ppk_ o
cdb III10–63CF_ o
d“coif4”IV10–104RMS_ w
e“sym5”5ppk_ w
fsym 6CF_ w
7RMS_ r
8ppk_ r
9CF_ r
10Area_ FFT

The first number refers to the decomposition level 2 or 4 when the high-frequency bandwidth or the low-frequency bandwidth is considered, respectively. The second number refers to the decomposition level 3 or 5 when the high-frequency bandwidth or the low-frequency bandwidth is considered, respectively.