Research Article

Urban Vulnerability Assessment Using AHP

Table 8

Preference intensity evaluation by binary comparison relatively between criterions in AHP [16].

Preference intensityComparison status of “i” relative to “jDescription

(1)Equally preferredItem “i” has equal priority with “j” or there is no preference
(3)Moderately preferredItem “i” is slightly more important than “j
(5)Strongly preferredItem “i” is important than “j
(7)Very strongly preferredItem “i” is more important than “j
(9)Extremely preferredItem “i” is absolutely more important than “j” and is not comparable to “j
(10)Especial importanceItem “i” is absolutely more important than “j” and has very special importance
(2), (4), (6), and (8)Median preferenceShow the median values over preferred values. For example, 8 expresses greater importance over 7 and less than 9 for “i” in comparison to “j