Research Article

Study on the Evaluation Method of Green Construction Based on Ontology and BIM

Table 4

EXPRESS-OWL mapping of dust control parameters.

EXPRESS expressionOWL expression

Dust prevention is an entity called dust preventionCorrespondence: OWL subject—owl:class rdf:about = “IfcDust Prevention”
Relationship: SUBTYPE OFCorrespondence: OWL predicate—rdfs:subClassOf
Property set that it belongs to: PSet_Ground and Foundation EngineeringCorrespondence: OWL object—rdf:resource = “PSet_Ground and Foundation Engineering”
Property: IfcGreenConstructionEvaluationParameter
Correspondence: OWL ObjectProperty, its domain is rdfs:domain rdf:resource = “IfcGreenConstructionEvaluationParameter”
Composition type: Data type STRINGCorrespondence: OWL DataTypeProperty, its domain is rdfs:range rdf:resource = “&xsd:string”