Research Article.

A Method for Determining Feasibility of Mining Residual Coal above Out-Fashioned Goaf under Variable Load: A Case Study

Table 1

Stability determination methods of the upward mining of longwall goaf.

MethodsCalculation formula and application condition

Rational analytical method [6, 7]K > 6(single seam)
K >6.3(multiple seam)

Mathematical statistics method [8]

The “three-zone” method [6, 913]Caving zone 1:
Caving zone 2:
Fracture zone 1:
(here (a) strong and hard: c1 = 2.1, c2 = 16, c3 = 1.2, c4 = 2; (b) medium strong: c1 = 4.7, c2 = 19, c3 = 1.6, c4 = 3.6; (c) soft and weak: c1 = 6.2, c2 = 32, c3 = 3.1, c4 = 5)
Fracture zone 2:
(here m is the mining thickness and hi is the stratum thickness i)

The method of equilibrium surrounding rock [1416]
(here K1, M, and hp are, respectively, the bulking coefficient, mining thickness, and equilibrium surrounding rock thickness)