Research Article

Study on the Rheological Failure Mechanism of Weakly Cemented Soft Rock Roadway during the Mining of Close-Distance Coal Seams: A Case Study

Table 2

Mechanical properties of the coal measures that are used in the model.

Coal measuresThickness (m)Density (−3)Young’s modulus (GPa)Shear modulus (GPa)Tensile strength (MPa)Cohesion (MPa)Friction angle (°)

Sandy mudstone20.82.5215.
Medium sandstone15.12.5916.
Fine sandstone18.22.4926.812.11.24.532
2-2 coal3.51.421. (0.8)35 (25)
Sandy mudstone52.5215. (0.62)30 (22)
2-2 coal3.51.421. (0.8)35 (25)
Sandy mudstone9.52.5215. (0.62)30 (22)

Numbers in parentheses are residual values.