Research Article

Life-Cycle Assessment of Recycling Postconsumer High-Density Polyethylene and Polyethylene Terephthalate

Table 11

Solid waste for recycled PET resin (kg of waste per ton of resin).

Process solid wastes
LandfillIncinerationWaste-to-energyFuel-related solid wastesTotalTotal %

PET: cut-off, volume-based collection (50% compaction)
Collection (50% compaction)0002.232.20.6
Reclaimer processing to flake2210047.5268.577.8
Total for PET flake2940050.99345.0
Percent by category77000
Conversion of flake to pellet00044
Total for PET pellet2940094.99389.0
Percent by category75.700.00024
PET: system expansion, volume-based collection (50% compaction)
Allocated virgin resin production16.61.0105471.629.1
Collection (50% compaction)0001.131.130.5
Reclaimer processing to pellet1120024.1136.155.2
Total for PET flake165.61.01079.87246.5
Percent by category67.20.4032.4
Conversion of flake to pellet0002222
Total for PET pellet165.61.010101.87268.5
Percent by category61.