Research Article

Life-Cycle Assessment of Recycling Postconsumer High-Density Polyethylene and Polyethylene Terephthalate

Table 4

Total fuel used for collection of 1 ton of the postconsumer plastic (including two methods).

% of total collectionLiter diesel fuel for curbside collectionLiter diesel fuel for transport to MRF
Truck typeTruck type

PETVolume-based (50% comp.)Medium-size truck (16 m3)Large-size truck (48 m3)
 Curbside collection5228
 MSW sites and junk yards486.42.28
 Curbside collection6328
 MSW sites and junk yards376.42.28
Weighted average fuel use for PET collection15.52.49
Weighted average fuel use for HDPE collection17.641.85