Research Article

A Behavioral Model of Drivers’ Mean Speed Influenced by Weather Conditions, Road Geometry, and Driver Characteristics Using a Driving Simulator Study

Table 4

Definition of variables.

VariableSymbolDefinitionBinary valueFrequency (%)MeanStandard deviation

Age of participantsAge Group 1Between 21 and 281300.2820.4501
Age Group 2Between 29 and 361240.2890.4536
Age Group 3Between 37 and 441190.1830.3869
Age Group 4Between 45 and 521190.1520.3587
Age Group 5Between 53 and 60180.0940.2915
Marital statusMarital statusSingle1320.3200.4666
Education levelEducation 1Diploma and lower1280.2800.4491
Education 2Associate degree18.90.0890.2855
Education 3Bachelor120.70.2070.4055
Education 4Masters125.70.2570.4370
Education 5Ph.D. and higher116.60.1660.3725
Average duration of daily driving hoursHour Daily 1Under one hour130.20.3020.4591
Hour Daily 2Between 2 and 4 hours159.90.5990.4902
Hour Daily 3More than 5 hours19.90.0990.2994
Driving experienceDriving Experience 1Between 2 and 9 years147.80.4780.4996
Driving Experience 2Between 10 and 17 years130.80.3080.4620
Driving Experience 3More than 18 years121.40.2140.4100
Average annual kilometer for each participantAAK 1Between 0 and 500 km per year117.30.1730.3780
AAK 2Between 500 and 1500 km per year120.10.2010.4005
AAK 3Between 1500 and 3000 km per year132.30.3230.4678
AAK 4Between 3000 and 5000 km per year113.50.1350.3415
AAK 5More than 5000 km per year116.90.1690.3748
Job title of participantsJob 1Housewife118.20.1820.3856
Job 2Self-employed124.30.2430.4291
Job 3Employee124.20.2420.4285
Job 4Professor11.60.0160.1247
Job 5Doctor14.70.0320.1749
Job 6Student1270.2700.4441
Sight DistanceDay and clear weatherDay condition in clear weather116.60.1660.3728
Night and clear weatherNight condition in clear weather116.60.1670.3728
Day and light fogDay condition in foggy weather with a vision distance of 250 m116.60.1670.3728
Day and heavy fogDay condition in foggy weather with a vision distance of 50 m116.60.1670.3728
Night and light fogNight condition in foggy weather with a vision distance of 250 m116.60.1670.3728
Night and heavy fogNight condition in foggy weather with a vision distance of 50 m116.60.1670.3728
Geometric DesignSegment 1Horizontal curve1200.20.4
Segment 2Tangent1200.20.4
Segment 3Horizontal and vertical curve1200.20.4
Segment 4Tangent1200.20.4
Segment 5Horizontal curve1200.20.4