Research Article

Design for Manufacturing and Assembly: A BIM-Enabled Generative Framework for Building Panelization Design

Table 1

Station, activities, and their duration for wall panels.

Station (capacity)TaskDuration

Framing station (40 feet long)PreparationTriangular (1.77, 2.77, 1.89)
Load top and bottom plates(60 + (NumBottomPlates + NumTopPlates)/2.0 × 10 + triangular(0.2, 3.0, 1.5))/60
Framing studs(83 + (NumCripples + NumJStuds + NumKStuds + NumVStuds) × 10 + 77.28 × (LargeDoor + NumberofWindow) + 45×(RegularDoor + SmallDoor) + 5.48 × 2 + 7.10×2 + 15)/60
Label panel and move it out0.21 + triangular (0.0, 0.1, 0.05)

Sheathing station (40 feet long)Move in, label panel0.5 + (0.851)
Place hooks0.5 × 2
Move panel0.5
Error correction2
Place OSBArea/32.0 × 2.02 + triangular(3.0, 3.1, 3.05)

Multifunction bridge (40 feet long)Receive panel0.5
Input computer0.5
Nail refill2 (4% chance for refill)
Nailing OSBPlacement = 0.55 + area/32.0 0.30;
Delay = triangular(0.5, 8.33, 0.833);
Total = placement + delay + triangular(1.0, 1.1, 1.05)

Tilting table (1)Move to the tilting table0.5
Move to the butterfly table1.2

Butterfly table (1)Transfer panelsUnload = 0.35; receive = 0.4;
Total = unload + receive

Spray booth (3)Spraying (1 sprayer)if(SprayArea <4)
Duration = 2 × 0.5;
Duration = 0.5 × (19.43 + 0.4895 × SprayArea)

Bypass line (1)Transfer window2

Window-door installation (1)Wrap plasticattach1 = 2 × (NumberofWindow)+0.67 × (Rdoor + Ldoor);
attach2=(1.25 + 1.5) × (NumberofWindow + Rdoor + Ldoor);
Total = attach1 + attach2;
Adjust panel0.5
Place small OSBNumberofWindow + Ldoor + Rdoor;
Bring and place windows and door3 × Lwindow + 2 × Rwindow + 2 × Swindow + 3 × Ldoor + 2 × Rdoor + 2 × Sdoor
Attach to wall5.5 × Lwindow + 3.5 × Rwindow + 2.5 × Swindow + 12 × Rdoor + Ldoor
Spray foam2.75 × (NumberofWindow + Rdoor + Ldoor)
Glue and staple5 × (NumberofWindow + Rdoor + Ldoor)
Tape1 × (NumberofWindow + Rdoor + Ldoor)
Install protection1 × (NumberofWindow + Rdoor + Ldoor)+0.5;

Transfer cart (1)Load, travel, unload//travel to destination:load, travel, unload panel
Dur = 0.5 + 0.7 + 1 + 0.5;

Magazine line (50)Wall panel storage areaNo activities