Research Article

A Semisupervised Cascade Classification Algorithm

Algorithm 2

The self-trained (NBC4.5) algorithm.
Algorithm  Self-trained (NB C4.5)
NBC4.5 – Cascading NB and C4.5, as base classifier
– Initial training dataset
– initial labeled examples,
– initial unlabeled examples,
– Examples with Most Confident Predictions
AccT – Threshold of acceptance
MaxIter – number of maximum iterations performed
     Train NBC4.5 as base model on
    Loop for a number of iterations (MaxIter is equal to 40 for our implementation)
     Use NBC4.5 classifier to select the examples with Most Confident Predictions per iteration ()
     Remove from and add them to
     In each iteration a few examples per class are removed from and added to
     Re-train NBC4.5 as base model on new enlarged
Use NBC4.5 trained on to predict class labels of the test cases.