Research Article

Failure Effects Evaluation for ATC Automation System

Table 1

FMEA table of correlation between target trajectories and flight plans.


The basis of generating radar trackRadar track position is not accurateRadar precision is insufficientRadar track position causes the deviation
Air complex environment causes interference
SSR code errorRadar signal interference that can lead to inaccurate SSR codeWrong correlation
The repeated SSR codeDouble SSR code appears to be caused by mountain reflection, radar fault, false target, fusion algorithm, and so onUnable to correlate with each other
The radar flight number error of ADS or S modelADS data or S mode’s radar data transmission and processing is wrongWrong correlation

The basis of the flight planPoor timeliness of flight telegraphManually send flight telegraph delayATC system did not receive the message within prescribed time. Time deviation is too large, autorelated error, or wrong correlation
Network communication link quality is poor
The sequential variation of flight telegraphNetwork communication link quality is poorThe receiving and dispatched flight telegraph do not match the time order
The format and content of flight telegraph are not accurateHuman errorThe format and content of flight telegraph are wrong. Unable to get the correct route and calculate the flight status. Unable to automatically correlate with each other
Network communication link quality is poor
Lost the flight telegraphNetwork communication link quality is poorUnable to get flight telegraph. Unable to get accurate route and calculate the flight status. Unable to automatically correlate with each other

3Basic dataProvide the information of airport, airlines, aircraft, beacon, and punctuationBasic data is not accurateBasic database did not update the information of routes and beacon adjustedUnable to establish accurate flight route. Unable to calculate accurate 4D track. Autorelated error or wrong correlation
Basic data is not completeNot existing
Code duplication

Establish the precise 4D track model of whole flight processThe calculated time deviation that through each way point is too large4D track prediction algorithm is not accurateState of the flight plan is not correct. The deviation between the planned track position and real target position is large. Unable to automatically correlate with each other or wrong correlation
The calculated planned flight direction is far away from the actual direction4D track prediction algorithm is not accurateUnable to automatically correlate with each other or wrong correlation