Review Article

Giant Electron-Phonon Anomaly in Doped and Other Cuprates

Figure 10

(a) Color-coded contour plot of the phonon spectra observed on La1.875Ba0.125CuO4 at 10 K. The intensities above and below 60 meV are associated with plane-polarized Cu–O bond-stretching vibrations and bond-bending vibrations, respectively. Lines are dispersion curves based on two-peak fits to the data. The white area at the lower left corner of the diagram was not accessible in this experiment. The ellipse illustrates the instrumental resolution. The inset shows the dispersion in the [110]-direction. The vertical line represents the charge stripe ordering wave vector. Blue/black line represents the “normal”/“anomalous” component respectively in the original interpretation of the authors. Subsequent work showed that a substantial part of the intensity in the “normal” component is an artifact of finite wavevector resolution in the transverse-direction (out of the page) [36].