Research Article

Prognostic Efficacy of Nuclear Morphometry at Invasive Front of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: An Image Analysis Microscopic Study

Table 1

This table depicts the new malignancy grading system of oral squamous cell carcinoma patients as proposed by Anneroth et al. (1986) [6] and Bryne et al. (1989 and 1991) [7, 8].

Morphologic parameterHistological grading of malignancy of tumor cell population

Degree of keratinizationHighly keratinized (>50% of the cells)Moderately keratinized (20–50% of the cells)Minimal keratinization (5–20% of the cells)No keratinization (0–5% of the cells)

Nuclear polymorphismLittle nuclear polymorphism (>75% mature cells)Moderately abundant nuclear polymorphism
(50–75% mature cells)
Abundant nuclear polymorphism (25–50% mature cells)Extreme nuclear polymorphism (0–25% mature cells)

Number of mitoses/HPF0-12-34-5>5

Pattern of invasionPushing well-delineated infiltrating bordersInfiltrating, solid cords, bands and/or strandsSmall groups or cords of infiltrating cells ()Marked and wide spread cellular dissociation in small groups of cells () and/or in single cells

Lymphoplasmacytic infiltrationMarkedModerateSlight None