Research Article

Mercury, Autoimmunity, and Environmental Factors on Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Lands

Table 1

Biomonitoring and ANA ≥2+ results linked with study participant characteristics.

Population characteristic Participants with THg >LOD*Hg biomarker median (interquartile range)Hg biomarker mean (95% CI)ANA reading ≥2+ ( , %)

All participants7536 (36%)<LOD (<LOD–0.87)0.75 (0.55–0.95)23 (31%)

 Male3823 (61%)0.37 (<LOD–1.81)1.01 (0.67–1.37)2 (5%)
 Female3713 (35%)<LOD (<LOD–0.56)0.48 (0.32–0.63)9 (24%)
Smoking score
 (1) Low3217 (53%)0.37 (<LOD–0.74)0.67 (0.41–0.92)8 (25%)
 (2) Medium188 (44%)<LOD (<LOD–1.24)0.82 (0.36–1.28)3 (17%)
 (3) High2511 (44%)<LOD (<LOD–1.21)0.81 (0.39–1.23)7 (28%)
Active smoker
 Yes4219 (45%)<LOD (<LOD–0.96)0.77 (0.49–1.05)4 (10%)
 No3116 (52%)0.37 (<LOD–0.87)0.76 (0.40–1.06)7 (23%)
Fish score
 (1) Low4117 (59%)<LOD (<LOD–0.60)0.59 (0.36–0.82)7 (17%)
 (2) Medium1810 (56%)0.35 (<LOD–1.53)0.90 (0.38–1.43)2 (11%)
 (3) High169 (56%)0.54 (<LOD–1.89)0.99 (0.51–1.48)2 (13%)
Arsenic proximity
 Yes237 (30%)<LOD (<LOD–0.52)0.45 (0.25–0.64)7 (30%)
 No 5229 (56%)0.37 (<LOD–1.27)0.89 (0.62–1.16)4 (8%)

LOD = 0.32  g/L.