Research Article

Antler and Body Size in Black-Tailed Deer: An Analysis of Cohort Effects

Table 4

Model-averaged coefficients for body size of black-tailed deer during 1980–1997 in Hopland, California, USA. Abbreviations of model parameters are as follows: Precip: total monthly precipitation; Temp.: average monthly temperature; D: the dry season (May–September); W: the wet season (October–April); in_utero: the period during the full gestation of the mother (October–April); grow: the first year of growth of the male (May–April) split into wet and dry seasons; Harv: the year prior to harvest of the male (October–September) split into wet and dry seasons; Treat: the treatment period (before: pretreatment, or after: the combined treatment and posttreatment); Int: the interaction term between precipitation and treatment period during gestation by the mother or the first year of growth; Antler (PC1): the first principal component for antler size (large antlers are negative; small antlers are positive). Bold values in the confidence interval (CI) column represent parameters that did not overlap zero.

Model parameterEstimate Std. error Adjusted SE85% CI

(Intercept)−13.240012.490012.5100−44.0232 to 16.8578
Precip_in_utero0.00040.00110.0011−0.0022 to 0.0027
Treat_in_utero [after]6.10001.96301.96800.7814 to 9.8699
Treat_grow [after]−1.30702.04502.0500−5.3909 to 5.4570
Precip_grow_D0.00680.02140.0214−0.0302 to 0.0696
Int_ treat_in_utero [after]_&_precip−0.00530.00210.0021−0.0094 to −0.0007
Int_ treat_grow [after]_&_precip_D0.06240.02930.0293−0.0046 to 0.1250
AvTem_grow_W0.89080.62050.6222−0.7813 to 2.2762
Harv_yr_P_W0.00130.00090.0009−0.0008 to 0.0033
Harv_yr_T_W0.11090.10260.1028−0.1261 to 0.3117
Harv_yr_T_D0.64070.55700.5584−0.6341 to 1.8067
Tem_grow_D0.52260.67340.6751−0.8858 to 1.7416
Tem_mom_gest0.39800.61850.6202−1.3374 to 1.3285