Research Article

Earthworms and Plant Residues Modify Nematodes in Tropical Cropping Soils (Madagascar): A Mesocosm Experiment

Table 1

Abundance (individuals kg 1 of dry soil) of nematodes in treatments: Earthworm—No earthworms, No residues added—with rice residue—with soybean residues, and in treatments with buried residue—mulch residue. Significant differences are indicated in bold by * or different letters (Newman-Keuls test, P  < .05). Results of analysis of effects of earthworms and residues were obtained by a 2-way anova (n = 50) including all the samples, whereas the effect of localisation was assessed by a 3-way anova ( 𝑛 = 4 0 ) excluding samples with no residue inputs. Significant interactions of the 2-way anova (earthworm (E) × residues (R) and of the 3-way anova (E × R, Localisation (L) × E, L × R, E × R × L) are indicated in the table by * (P < .05).

c-pEarthwormNo earthwormNo residue additionWith rice residue additionWith soybean residueInteraction  anova2Buried residueMulched residueInteraction anova3
E × RE × RE × LR × LE × R × L

Nematodes trophic groups
  Panagrolaimidae1205425871203 b 2123 ab 3075 a4127 1071 **
  Rhabditidae194465260 b 1451 a 514 b1370 595 *
  Acrobeles 2147291383 a 104 b 252 c230126
  Acrobeloides a 27001 2840 *4162305471666513 3707 *
  Cervidellus 2196229236 a 267 a 147 b330 84 **
  Drilocephalobus 2592613598 ab 388 b 818 a608598
  Plectidae2243414501752 15 *
  Prismatolaimidae3628 427 *491475599672 402 ***
  Rhabdolaimus 3345 322 292 346 343 *484 205 ***
  Alaimus 4447481173 b 549 a 525 ab697 377 **
  Amphidelus 4413012 b 71 a 12 b52 31 *

Total12 43985317628891113 48915163 7237 *

  Aphelenchoididae21108 z 2971351317 z 3725671121 z
  Aphelenchus 21133 793 *750 b 798 b 1235 a991 1042 *
  Ditylenehus 228613916 b 141 a 382 a473 50 **
   Tylencholaimoidea4463413296480 13 *

Total2617 1289 *946 b 2326 a 2084 a21402270

Entomopathogenic235175338235110268 77 *
Plant-feeders1000722983912749602 1059 *
Root hair-feeders547553564617476845 247 *
Omnivores and predators155189140200160203 158 **
Nematode density 16 994 11 460 *10 60013 20017 06819 220 11 047 *