Research Article

Relationships among Contrasting Measurements of Microbial Dynamics in Pasture and Organic Farm Soils

Table 1

Microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and potentially mineralizable nitrogen (PMN) in organic farm (OF) and pasture (P) soilsa.

IDSymbolbSystemFertility regimeCrop/amendmentSampling dateMBC (mg C/kg)PMN(mg N /kg)

C1OFHigh InputcTomatoes/peppersJune369 ± 48aND
NC1OFLow InputdTomatoes/pepperJune207 ± 36bND
C2OFHigh InputTomatoes/peppersAug199 ± 13b24 ± 6a
CL2OFHigh InputLegumesAug282 ± 29ab31 ± 4a
NC2OFLow InputTomatoes/peppersAug156 ± 13b18 ± 4a
NCL2OFLow InputLegumesAug195 ± 12b19 ± 2a

H1PHigh fertilityeNoneMay1659 ± 133c110 ± 18abc
L1PLow fertilityfNoneMay1931 ± 79bc121 ± 11ab
H2PHigh fertilityNoneSept1915 ± 126bc59 ± 8c
HM2PHigh fertilityManureSept2666 ± 126a125 ± 10ab
L2PLow fertilitycNoneSept2214 ± 79abc85 ± 11bc
LM2°PLow fertilityManureSept2443 ± 196ab142 ± 13a

Average organic farm235 ± 7723 ± 6
Average pasture2138 ± 374107 ± 30

aMean values (± SEM) followed by the same letter are not significantly different ( ) as determined by Tukey’s studentized range (HSD) test.
bSymbols used in figures throughout paper.
cHigh input = 10–20 tons dry weight/acre of composted dairy manure + green manure (rye + vetch) applied and tilled into soil 7–10 days prior to planting.
dLow input = green manure (rye + vetch) tilled into soil 7–10 days prior to planting.
eHigh fertility = inorganic fertilizer, P, 134 kg/ha and K, 390 kg/ha.
fLow fertility = inorganic fertilizer, P, 67 kg/ha and K, 195 kg/ha.