Review Article

Biostimulation for the Enhanced Degradation of Herbicides in Soil

Table 1

Use of organic amendments and bioprocessed materials for the enhanced degradation of herbicides.

Amendment(s)Target herbicide(s)Major findingReference

Animal manure and sewage sludgeAtrazine and alachlorHerbicide degradation has been stimulated by the amendments[39]

Activated sludgeAtrazine and simazineAchieved a biodegradation of 25.2 and 32.8%, respectively, in 9 hours[40]

Sewage sludge and corn mealAlachlor and trifluralinSignificant dissipation of herbicide achieved in amended treatments[41]

Maize strawMethabenzthiazuronSignificantly enhanced the degradation and mineralization of the herbicide[42]

Dairy manureAtrazineIdentified as a successful technique to enhance the remediation of herbicide-contaminated soil[43]

Dairy manureAtrazineLag period prior to herbicide degradation was significantly shortened in manure-treated plot[44]

Cornmeal, rye grass, and poultry litterCyanazine and fluometuronAll the amendments enhanced the herbicide degradation and facilitated mineralization[45]

Plant residues, ground seed, or commercial mealAlachlor, metolachlor, atrazine, and trifluralinAcknowledged the use of organic amendments as an inexpensive option for the disposal of herbicide waste[46]

Cellulose, straw, and compostAtrazineOrganic matter addition stimulated the herbicide dealkylation in nonadapted soils[47]

Compost, corn stalks, corn fermentation by-product, peat, manure, and sawdustAtrazine, trifluralin, and metolachlor5% addition of amendments resulted in significant increase in bacterial population and dehydrogenase activity[48]

Raw olive cakeChlorsulfuron, prosulfuron, and bensulfuronStimulated the microbial dehydrogenase activity[49]

Biogas slurry, mushroom spent compost, and farm yard manureAtrazineAtrazine dissipation was observed to be highest (34%) with biogas slurry[4]

Rice straw, farm yard manure, saw dust, and charcoalAtrazineFarm yard manure was found to be the most effective for the degradation of herbicide (89.5% degradation in 60 days)[50]