Research Article

Organic Amendments and Earthworm Addition Improve Properties of Nonacidic Mine Tailings

Table 5

Mean (± standard deviation) pH, electrical conductivity, Bray extractable phosphorus, cation exchange capacity, and water holding-capacity at the end of the study (week 29). Values designated by same letter (within a column) are not significantly different from each other ( ; ).

TreatmentpHEC (dS m−1)Bray P (mg P kg−1)CEC (cmolc kg−1)WHC (g H2O 100 g−1)

Treatments with 10% biosolids
T1-WO bcd de cd ef abc
T1-W de de bc cdef bcd
T2-WO bc ef cd f d
T2-W cde de a cdef cd
T3-WO a f cd cdef bcd
T3-W bcd ef a def abc
T4-WO b a d f e

Treatments with 20% biosolids
T5- WO cd cde bc abc a
T5-W def cd abc abc ab
T6-WO ef cde bc bcde bcd
T6-W f bc ab bcd ab
T7-WO cde cd bc a abc
T7-W bc de a ab ab
T8-WO cde a bc ab d

Bray P, CEC, and WHC are expressed relative to oven-dry (mass) tailings.