Research Article

Acidification and Nitrogen Eutrophication of Austrian Forest Soils

Table 3

critical loads (CL) for acidification (kg ha−1 yr−1) and eutrophication (kg ha−1 yr−1) of the Austrian forested area. CL-acidmax (S): critical load of S assuming an exclusion of N; CL-acidmax (N): critical load of N assuming an exclusion of S; CL-eutnut (N): CL for eutrophication according to the mass balance; CL-eutemp (N): empirical CL for eutrophication for Austrian forest types according to [26] ECE (2010).

25th percentilemedian75th percentile

CL-acidmax (S)2.3842.7766.242
CL-acidmax (N)4.1254.9829.891
CL-eutnut (N)
CL-eutemp (N)10–20
Percent area with an exceedance of the CL
CL-acid0.6 %
CL-eut94 %