Research Article

Residual Effects of Lime- and Clay-Amended Biosolids Applied to Coarse-Textured Pasture Soil

Table 2

Single basal and reapplication of LaBC® during 7 cycles of ryegrass grown in pots of coarse-textured, acid soil under glasshouse conditions to determine the residual effects of LaBC®.

Ryegrass cycles 1 to 5Ryegrass cycle 6Ryegrass cycle 7

History of single basal application of LaBC® +/− fertiliserLaBC® reapplied to soil from half of each pot after cycle 5 (+LaBC®)
Remaining soil was untreated (−LaBC®)
No LaBC® added in this cycle
(to all prior treatments)

LaBC® + fertiliser+/−LaBC®−LaBC®

LaBC® = 50 t ha−1 of wet weight equivalent applied in cycle 6.
bFertiliser = macronutrient fertiliser applied according to district practice at each cycle.