Research Article

Diazotrophic Bacterial Community of Degraded Pastures

Table 4

Shannon-Weaver diversity index of the cultivated diazotrophic bacterial community in different niches of plant/bacteria association in B. decumbens Stapf. pasture in different stages of degradation.

Pasture degradation stageNiche of plant/bacteria associationMean
Rhizospheric soilRoot-endophytic

Highly degraded2.03
Partially degraded2.16
Slightly degraded2.24
test ()
Degradation stage
Niche of association
Stage × association
CV 24.92

of variation (CV) = 100 × standard deviation/average. Means followed by the same letter, uppercase in the row and lowercase in the column, do not differ statistically by the Scott-Knott test (). at 1% probability by test. significant.