Research Article

Contamination of Soil with Pb and Sb at a Lead-Acid Battery Dumpsite and Their Potential Early Uptake by Phragmites australis

Table 2

Concentrations of Pb and Sb in tissues of P. australis harvested from different soil treatments after 8 and 16 weeks of planting. Values are expressed as mean ± SD of triplicate measurements in mg/kg, DW.

ElementGrowth period (wks)Nonrecycled slag treatmentRecycled slag treatmentReference soil treatment
RootLeaf StemRootLeafStemRootLeafStem

Pb8136.57 ± 18.918.77 ± 0.902.88 ± 0.2798.90 ± 12.767.83 ± 1.742.63 ± 0.30NDNDND
16590 ± 368.61 ± 1.042.76 ± 0.38466.67 ± 25.178.04 ± 0.232.96 ± 0.12NDNDND
Sb867.83 ± 9.973.33 ± 0.361.45 ± 1.9147.84 ± 3.862.89 ± 0.191.56 ± 0.23NDNDND
16260 ± 203.47 ± 0.321.73 ± 0.171205 ± 182.94 ± 0.211.50 ± 0.16NDNDND

ND: not detected (<LOD). Different superscripts (a, b) in a row denote significantly different concentrations () of a given element for a plant tissue across treatments; in a column denotes significantly different concentrations (paired -test, ) for a given element for a specific plant tissue between 8- and 16-week growth periods within a soil treatment.