Research Article

Fuzzy Logic Expert System for Classifying Solonchaks of Algeria

Table 5

Correlations between indices of Solonchaks (Is), Calcisols (Ic), and Gypsisols (Ig) and different diagnostic criteria.


Is, ECe1920.760.58
Is, E1920.010.0001
Is, (E × ECe)1920.490.24
Ig, gypsum1920.70.49
Ig, E1920.060.04
Ig, (E × gypsum)1920.60.36
Ic, E1920.040.002
Ic, SC1920.70.5
Ic, calcium carbonate equivalent (CE)1920.770.6

Note. Significant at probability ; r: coefficient of correlation; R: coefficient of determination; df: degree of freedom.