Research Article

Effects of Land Uses on Soil Quality Indicators: The Case of Geshy Subcatchment, Gojeb River Catchment, Ethiopia

Table 5

Soil pH, SOC, TN, C : N ratios, and Av. P in relation to the land use types and depths (mean ± SE).

PSQIDepth (cm)Land uses
Forest landCultivation landGrazing landOverall

pH-H2O0–206.04 (±0.096)6.07 (±0.096)6.00 (±0.096)6.04 (±0.054)a
20–405.92 (±0.107)6.01 (±0.107)6.03 (±0.107)5.99 (±0.060)a
Overall5.98 (±0.064)a6.04 (±0.027)a6.02 (±0.100)a

SOC (%)0–203.36 (±0.143)2.88 (±0.143)3.16 (±0.143)3.13 (±0.088)a
20–402.40 (±0.202)2.21 (±0.202)2.06 (±0.202)2.22 (±0.115)b
Overall2.88 (±0.154)a2.54 (±0.128)a2.605 (±0.202)a

TN (%)0–200.31 (±0.014)0.25 (±0.014)0.29 (±0.014)0.28 (±0.009)a
20–400.21 (±0.017)0.19 (±0.017)0.18 (±0.017)0.19 (±0.010)b
Overall0.26 (±0.014)a0.22 (±0.012)b0.23 (±0.019)ab

C : N ratio0–2010.67 (±0.301)11.78 (±0.301)11.00 (±0.301)11.15 (±0.190)a
20–4011.56 (±0.415)11.89 (±0.415)11.67 (±0.415)11.70 (±0.232)a
Overall11.11 (±0.241)a11.83 (±0.326)a11.33 (±0.198)a

Av. P (ppm)0–200.80 (±4.934)10.95 (±4.934)8.27 (±4.934)6.67 (±2.864)a
20–401.02 (±2.666)5.13 (±2.666)4.94 (±2.666)3.69 (±1.525)a
Overall0.91 (±0.23)a8.04 (±2.835)a6.61 (±3.844)a

The overall means within rows and columns followed by different letters are significantly different () with respect to land use and soil depths.