Research Article

Silver Ecotoxicity Estimation by the Soil State Biological Indicators

Table 3

The scheme of environmental regulation of silver pollution of soils of Southern Russia by the degree of violation of ecosystem (biogeocenotic) functions.

SoilsNot pollutedSlightly pollutedMedium pollutedHighly polluted

Degree of soil IIBS reduction1<5%5–10%10–25%>25%
Violated ecosystem functions2InformationChemical, physicochemical, biochemical; holisticPhysics
SoilsThe silver content in the soil, mg/kg
Ordinary chernozem<0.51.5–4.44.4–106>106
Brown forest soil<0.30.4–0.80.8–6>6
Soil remediation methodsNot requiredPhytoremediation, flushingChemical reclamation: the application of organic substances, ion exchange resins, phosphate fertilizers, lime, zeolites, etc.Removing contaminated soil and replacing it with a new environmentally and agriculturally sound soil

1Determination of IIBS of soils according to Kolesnikov et al. [52]. 2Classification of ecosystem functions of soil by Dobrovolsky and Nikitin [65].