Research Article

Variation of Selected Physicochemical and Hydrological Properties of Soils in Different Tropical Land Use Systems of Nepal

Table 1

Effect of land use system on soil properties.

BD (g/cm3)SP (%)MC (%)CI (cm/min)pHN (%)P (ppm)K (ppm)

Forest1.23 ± 0.1553.74 ± 5.64310.17 ± 0.52333.47 ± 12.8785.70 ± 0.1460.106 ± 0.03267.76 ± 11.89984.49 ± 10.78
Grassland1.29 ± 0.06951.63 ± 2.60226.94 ± 2.3878.4 ± 1.0447.91 ± 0.0210.096 ± 0.0196.69 ± 2.32444.71 ± 6.512
Rainfed agriculture land1.18 ± 0.14755.50 ± 5.529.92 ± 1.67339.27 ± 18.8316.55 ± 0.2600.121 ± 0.00984.94 ± 6.338154.24 ± 60.294

Note. BD: bulk density of the soil. SP: porosity, MC: moisture content, CI: cumulative infiltration of the soil, pH: pH value of the soil, N: total nitrogen, P: available phosphorus, and K: available potassium in the soil.