Research Article

Carbon Stock Potential across Different Land Covers in Tropical Ecosystems of Damota Natural Vegetation, Eastern Ethiopia

Table 2

Means (±SD) of soil bulk density, %carbon, and SOC land covers.

Soil parameterAltitudinal classGrant mean value

BD (−3)1.08a ± 0.40.63ab ± 0.20.58b ± 0.30.76 ± 0.40.02
%C2.14a ± 0.71.94b ± 0.41.56b ± 0.61.88 ± 0.60.00
SOC (Mg ha−1)80.6a ± 18.371.6b ± 11.565.8b ± 9.772.6 ± 35.70.02

BD, bulk density; %C, carbon percentage; BL, bushland; FL, farmland; SOC, soil organic carbon; WL, woodland. Different letters indicate significant differences. , , and indicate significance at 5, 1, and 0.1% significance levels, respectively.